Take the Drudgery Out of Work Sampling

Take the Drudgery Out of Work Sampling: iPhone App for Work Sampling

Use work sampling? Meet the ISampler iPhone App. It can save 75% of the time over manual methods. ISampler is so quick and easy to use that you can now study processes and people never before possible.


How ISampler works to save your time:

    • Iphone rings at random times to alert you to record the activities with just a few tabs (no tabulation sheets)
    • Use free templates to record activity (just tapping no typing)
    • Take a look at result on your iPhone or iPad anytime (instant 1-click reporting at anytime during study)
    • Export details to Excel for deeper analysis (no re-keying observation)

    Your iPhone with ISampler makes your life easier- A complete system with 1-click reporting right in your pocket! ISampler comes in 2 versions free and low cost.
    See below for links and details to both versions

    If you use work sampling you know it is the fastest, easiest and lowest cost method of evaluating productivity. Work sampling uses random observations of people,machines, or processes to provide an accurate estimate of how the time is spent during working hours. ISampler automates and simplifies the process of work sampling.


    What makes this unique

      • ISampler is the only work sampling App for iPhone/iPad(requires iOS 5 or newer)!
      • We provide you with free templates for activities to simplify recording -you can use or modify existing templates or make new ones
      • Simple 1-click data analysis.You can view graphs of the study underway anytime
      • Free training materials
      • Free articles, case studies
      • Designed for both workgroups, machine groups or people-whatever you want to survey
      • Great for improving your personal productivity too

      How ISampler works to save your time:

      • IPhone rings at random times to alert you to record the activities with just a few taps (no tabulation sheets)
      • Use free templates to record activity (just tapping no typing)
      • Take a look at results on your iPhone or iPad anytime (instant 1-click reporting at any time during study)
      • Export details to Excel for deeper analysis (no rekeying observations)

      Use ISampler to solve the mystery of where does the time go…

      • Uncover waiting time, rework time and redundant activities
      • Improve your personal productivity
      • Exactly how does machine downtime create wasted time and lost production.
      • Use ISampler to calculate the effect of improvements.

      Measurement: Work sampling offers measurements of actual productivity and details about the barriers to improved productivity. Work sampling also allows you to measure productivity before and again after changes were made to the business process, layout, procedure. This measurement verifies the improvement.

      Using ISampler work sampling data, you’ll will be able to make accurate decisions to change the factors to positively affect job productivity.